
My Expensive Hobby

I am frequently contacted by people want to either farm with wool rabbits, or have a business with wool rabbits. Unfortunately, wool (Angora) rabbits are a HOBBY, not a business, or farming enterprise. The input costs of housing, feeding, husbandry,… (Read more)

Feeding and Housing of Angora

Rabbit Housing I know that there has been a great deal of disucssion recently concerning companions for your pets.  At the end of the day, unless you are going to be the companion. why on earth did you get it? … (Read more)

Care Associated with Angora Type

Rabbit type and associated care and harvesting – I did this for a club newsletter, but thought it to be of use.   I will first deal with the English, which type  I have bred towards.  It would have been… (Read more)

Show Grooming of the Angora

SHOW GROOMING   While I know that many people who show do not agree with me, I have found that the least handling of the rabbit leads to the helathiest thickest coated show entry.   As Jerry (Our KwaZulu Natal… (Read more)

The Natal Rabbit Club

THE NATAL RABBIT CLUB encourages the breeding and exhibiting of all recognised rabbit breeds. This clubs caters for all – the specialist breeder, the pet bunny owner and the commercial rabbit producer. The clubs headquarters is the Rabbit Hall, Royal… (Read more)

Green Feeding – No pellets

All foods should be fed in such quantities that the food is finished at the time of the next feeding, be it once or twice per day. Dry food consists of cereals/grains and their by products such as bread. Bread… (Read more)

The Pet bunny or Companion

Unless we purchased out first rabbits with the intention of breeding them, most of us started with a single individual rabbit that we simply could not resist at a pet shop, show or breeders residence. So, well done, you have… (Read more)