handpainted merino yarn
Hand painted merino yarn, about 24 micron, suitable for outerwear or furnishings. 200/100g
Yolande Buhr
Hand painted merino yarn, about 24 micron, suitable for outerwear or furnishings. 200/100g
Handpainted merino roving for sale. Micron of 17.5 to 18.5. Suitable for use on items worn next to the skin. Can be used for wet felting, needle felting or spinning. Price R30/25g
ASSORTED BEANIES:100% angora, crochet – natural colours We ship country-wide. Cost: R300 per beanie Shipping Options: R150 Postnet counter-to-counter overnight post or R80 1 to 2 weeks delivery SA Post Office How to order: Contact Angora Creations at lundy@venturenet.co.za or… (Read more)