All foods should be fed in such quantities that the food is finished at the time of the next feeding, be it once or twice per day. Dry food consists of cereals/grains and their by products such as bread. Bread can be fed as is or cut into strips and dried (like a rusk) in the oven. Another good mix is equal quantities by volume of oats, wheat and flaked maize, fed dry.
Mashes can be made of bran, maize flour and coarse wheat flour in equal quantities. Mashes are mixed to a coarse crumbly texture. Boiled potatoes and peels, mashed and mixed with bran to a coarse crumble is very nutritious and can be used in place of green food. – I have used this potato mix when we have excess potato and it is very nutritious and the rabbits enjoy it, eating it readily. Do be careful of mashes going sour if too much is fed at once, also the bowls in which it is fed must be washed well daily. Our summer heat can sour a mash in hours, so never try and save time by feeding too much.
Most vegetables can be fed freely, in a mixture. Ie, do not feed only one type of vegetable, but feed a little of as many different types as possible. Fruit such as stone fruits, apples and bananas are also readily eaten. Be very careful of quantities of soft leaf vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage and spinach. Root crops are also good, but be careful of potato greens which are poisonous as well as tomato greens, although the fruit is fine in small quantities.
Fresh cut grass is very beneficial, and can form the basis of all green feedings. Also the pruned branches of stone fruits is enjoyed, as well as mulberries. Hay must always be available, and of as good a quality as you can find. It is essential for the best possible health of your rabbits.